The Charlestown Fire District has two companies within the district and one application process. Applicants normally apply to the station that is closest to their residence. It is preferred that applicants live within defined physical boundaries that include the district and nearby portions of the bordering towns. There are three levels of membership. Active Firefighters are 18 years of age and older, and are those who respond to fires and emergency incidents along with performing all other functions of the company. Associate Members contribute and donate time to the company in ways other than active firefighting. Junior Firefighters are from 14 to 18 years of age, and with notarized parental consent, participate in training and firefighting activities, sometimes in a limited roll depending on the incident. All applicants, other than Junior applicants, are subject to personal background, driver license, and BCI checks. All applicants must be approved at both the company and district level and then are subject to a probationary period.
To apply for membership download the application by following the link below. Fill out the application and return it by mail to the District Fire Chief. Once the necessary checks and approvals have been made the applicant will be contacted by a company member. Normally checks and approvals take between three and five weeks.
To download the application (CLICK HERE) and return to:
Chief Don Rathbone
Box 327
Charlestown, RI 02813