Contact Us

Charlestown Fire District 

Administrative Offices Office:  (401) 364-2035

Box 327 Fax:  (401) 364-6521

Charlestown, RI 02813 Hearing Impaired TTY:  Dial 711

4377 South County Tr.

Charlestown, RI 02813

Office Manager - Lisia Quinlivan  

Office: (401) 364-2035


Fire Chief - Don Rathbone  

Mobile:  (401) 641-1488

Office:  (401) 364-9117


Assistant Fire Chief - Joe Weeden

Mobile:  (401) 954-0315

Office:  (401) 364-9117


Training Officer - Lt. Dan Rathbone


Board of Engineers

Joseph Weeden  (Term ending August 2025)

John Bilotta    (Term ending August 2025)

Matt Dowling     Term ending August 2025

Dave Lamb        Term ending August 2026

Tom Ferrio       Term ending August 2026

Clerk - Janet Pabon 

Phone:   (401) 954-9171


Tax Collector -   Jo Anne Santos

Office:  (401) 364-9963

Fax:  (401) 364-6521


Treasurer -   Robert Civetti, CPA

Phone:  (401) 364-2035


Attorney - Wyatt A. Brochu, Esq.

Ruggiero Brochu & Petrarca

1130 Ten Rod Road, Suite D102

North Kingstown, Rhode Island 02852

Mailings and Packages - The fire district does not have any way to securely receive mail or packages sent to the street address of either fire station.  

For sending any mail to the fire district please use the USPS Box 327 and any security or tracking services they may provide.  If it is an item that must be shipped to a street address please contact the office manager at (401) 364-2035 or the fire chief at (401) 641-1488 before mailing the package. 

Charlestown-Richmond Station

4377 South County Tr.

Charlestown, RI

(401) 364-9909 

Charlestown-Richmond Vol Fire Assn.

Box 271

Shannock, RI 02875

Cross Mills Station

4258 Old Post Rd.

Charlestown, RI

(401) 364-6511

Cross Mills Vol Fire Dept.

4258 Old Post RD.

Charlestown, RI 02813

USDA nondiscrimination statement

The Public is welcomed at any meeting of the District or its committees.  If communications assistance (readers/interpreters/captioners) is needed or any other accommodation to ensure equal participation, please contact us at 401-207-9205 (or TTY via RI Relay at 711) at least three (3) business days prior to the meeting so that arrangements can be made to provide such assistance.

In accordance with Federal Law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.

 (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.)

To file a complaint of discrimination,




Office of Civil Rights,

1400 Independence Avenue, S.W.,

Washington, D.C.


Or call (800) 795-3272 (Voice)

            (202) 720-6382 (TDD)   

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