Tax Collector - FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
Does my mortgage provider pay my Fire Taxes?
If you escrow your property taxes, we advise you to check with your mortgage provider to confirm the Fire Tax is included. If not, you are required to pay the Bill. Please notify your provider the Fire Tax Bill is due by October 31st.
What is the 2023 Tax Rate?
The Notice of Tax Asessed: 12/31/2023
Tax Rate per $1,000 valuation: 0.317
When can I expect my Charlestown Fire District tax bill to arrive in my mail?
The CFD budget is approved at our annual meeting in August. Once updated property assessments from the Town of Charlestown are received and a tax rate is set based on the approved budget, the tax bills are printed and mailed in September.
How many installments or bills are sent each year?
The Charlestown Fire District issues a single annual tax bill each year. The annual bill is due on October 31 of each year. Any unpaid balances are then assessed at 12% per year starting on Nov. 1.
Aren't my fire taxes included in my Town of Charlestown tax bill?
No the Town of Charlestown property taxes pay for many services, but fire protection is provided by the Charlestown Fire District or the Dunns Corner Fire Department depending on where you live in Charlestown.
We are planning on selling our home and need to get an up-to-date amount due for our Charlestown Fire District taxes.
Any property owner can check the status of their tax payments, print a current copy of their tax bill along with any interest due, and send payments to satisfy past due amounts. Please see the Online Tax Account Information page on our site for more detailed information.