Online Tax Account Information

To check the status of your fire tax account, locate your account number listed on any of your recent Charlestown Fire Tax bills.

  1. Go to

  2. Click on “Charlestown Fire District”

  3. Enter the Account #, Example # 19-0103-01

  4. Across the top, there are tabs, Transaction History, Online Documents, Make a Payment. The system will default to “Make a Payment”.

  5. To view the Tax Bill, click on “Online Documents” and select the Tax Roll you wish to view; to see your previous payments, please click on the “Transaction History” tab.

Once logged in you will see the Home page for your account.

The Transaction History will show all taxes due, payments, and credits.

The Online Documents will show recent Tax Bills and allow you to print a copy if necessary.

Please be sure to Logout when before leaving the site.